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Information in other languages

Here you can find information for parents and carers about closures of childcare settings in sign language Arabic (العربية), Tigrinyan (ትግርኛ, tigriññā) and Somali (af Soomaali).

Information in Arabic, Tigrinyan and Somali

Information in Arabic (العربية) for parents and carers about closures of childcare settings:

Link to download information in Arabic (العربية),  
Information in Tigrinyan (ትግርኛ, tigriññā) for parents and carers about closures of childcare settings:

Link to download information in Tigrinyan (ትግርኛ, tigriññā)

Information in Somali (af Soomaali): for parents and carers about closures of childcare settings:

Link to download information in Somali (af Soomaali) 

E-service to report care

Link to e-service to report care

Link to download form to report need for care 

Sidan senast granskad den 3 april 2020